🐾 Sienna Village is a pet friendly community, and we love our furry friends however it’s important to note that pets must be approved by the Body Corporate. Generally if the animal to be kept is not considered dangerous or unsuitable for the complex and townhouse, then the application will be approved. For tenants who are leasing a townhouse, your lease may be amended to include some specific terms and conditions regarding regular pet treatments and requirements on vacate cleaning. The Moreton Bay City Council has a limit of 2 animals per multi-dwelling townhouse.

Owners can apply to have a pet directly via the Body Corporate website here https://www.bcsystems.com.au/pet-application-form/.
Tenants can apply by completing the below RTA Form 21 Request for Approval to keep a pet and emailing managers@siennavillage.au
. If you’d like a summary of your tenant before their move-in, please inform us. Under QLD rental law, tenants are allowed to have pets. While this may concern some owners, . However, if the pet
However, let’s be mindful of our neighbours who might not share the same enthusiasm for barking or loud pets. Keep your pets quiet, and always clean up after them to maintain a clean and pleasant living environment.