Sienna Village townhouses are installed with individual water meters and owners are allowed to pass on the full water consumption charges (including bulk water charges) to tenants provided all the minimum criteria have been met:
- the rental premises are individually metered which they are
- the rental premises are water efficient which they are
- the tenancy agreement states the tenant must pay for water consumption which your lease will state
During our routine inspection, we will read the water meter and calculate the water usage based on our our previous meter read. If you have recently moved in then we record the current water meterage on your RTA Form 1 Entry Condition Report. When you move out we record the final water meterage on your RTA Form 14 Exit Condition Report.
You can check your water usage at anytime by reading the water meter at the front of your property. The black numbers represent 1000L, so in the example below the reading would be 12 KL.